Sam Godfried's profile

The days don't sound the same (documentary)

In Turkey, Gaziantep's Eblehan street is home to a community of musicians. Most of their days, the musicians sit on porches and in teahouses, sharing stories about the good old days. At the same time and in sharp contrast, a DJ in the Dutch city Nijmegen is preparing to play in a nightclub.
This documentary is entirely realised by Tolga Aydin and Sam Godfried, in the context of the five year celebration of the sister city bond between Gaziantep and Nijmegen and the 400 year Dutch-Turkish trade connection.

A special thanks to 
Ineke Smits
Ellen Kocken
Lieke Willemsen
The University of Gaziantep
Esin Dedemoglu
Masoud Kamalizadeh
Xavier la Crois

Made with the support of 
Netherlands Film Fund
Municipality of Nijmegen
VSB Fund
Prins Bernhard Culture Fund
University of Gaziantep
At the end of 2012 I’ve had the amazing opportunity to make a documentary in Gaziantep & Nijmegen together with Turkish filmmaker Tolga Aydın. These two weeks inspired and thought me a lot and I’m very happy with the short documentary that we presented in Villa LUX in Nijmegen last saturday. I hope the documentary will light up more screens around the world and some of you will have the opportunity to see it.
Massive thanks to Ineke Smits, Ellen Kocken, Lieke Willemsen, Esin Dedemoglu, Masoud Kamalizadeh, The University of Gaziantep, Dziga & Lux for making this project this project.
The documentary I made together with Tolga Aydin in Gaziantep (Turkey) and Nijmegen (Holland) has been selected for the Istanbul Short Film Festival. After putting our souls into this short film, directing, editing, sound editing and colour correcting non stop for two weeks straight, this is extremely rewarding. Also having the chance to see Istanbul again is really wonderful, since the city has been my home for half a year 3 year ago. Seeing Istanbul really made me realize how beautiful the city is and has always been. I also managed to see some old friends again, like my old documentary photography teacher Delizia Flaccavento, who thought me some skills at Yeditepe University.
I’m very thankful to everyone and a special thanks to Duygu, Mr & Mrs Etikan, Ahu, Tolga & Tom.
The days don't sound the same (documentary)

The days don't sound the same (documentary)

The days don't sound the same is a documentary portraying life for musicians in Gaziantep and Nijmegen. The documentary is entirely realised by Read More
